Day 11 of my goal to write every day. Today’s topic: how to manage your freelance writing clients.

If you don’t manage your clients you’ll find yourself in a situation where they think it’s okay to send you articles on Friday afternoon and tell you the deadline is Monday. “Yea, sure I’ll do that. I mean I don’t have weekends.”

They’ll think it’s okay to request something, and when you don’t respond immediately they’ll say, “If I don’t hear from you by 17:00 tomorrow…” “Yea sure I’m at your beck and all 24/7. Yea, sure you’re my only client. Yea, sure I’ll do anything you say. Yea, sure you’re in control.”

The harsh reality is: they are in control! Why? Because you’re not setting boundaries. You’re not managing them. In many cases, they have their own deadlines to meet, and they don’t even realise what they’re doing. Yes, harsh reality, I know.

So how do you manage your freelance writing clients?

You take back control.

You send them an email where you propose and suggest how to improve workflow. But, and this is a VERY BIG BUT.

You make sure the improved workflow highlights how it will benefit them.

Make the email is positive. Don’t moan. Don’t complain (even though you might want to). Ultimately you’ll get a good response and if you don’t, well then maybe it’s time you fire them altogether.

Here’s an example:

manage your clients

And the response? It was positive, but I won’t share it here.

Disclaimer: I have a friend (thank you, you know who you are) who I ask to check these emails before I send them. She checks that there’s always a positive spin to it because it’s easy to send something in the heat of the moment, only to regret it later. So, I usually let it simmer, type the mail, send to her, she makes changes, and then I send. Works like a charm!

If you enjoy writing and are serious about improving your writing skills, becoming a freelance writer, and want to earn more, I can help! Feel free to email me at

P.S. No, I’m not selling you anything. I’m not going to ask you to buy my book or even sign up for my course (I don’t have one) or weekly newsletter, I’m simply offering you help.

But remember while I can offer you assistance and support, you have to put in the work. No action = No results.


Nick D


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