Before I went to bed last night I decided to send this email to one of my clients:
I received this response:
Often a working relationship with your client is established around you providing a specific service e.g. blog posts. But, often your clients aren’t aware of all the services you offer. So send them a gentle reminder. It’s a great way to make more money from your existing writing clients.
Also, you don’t have to convince them of your ability to deliver as you already have a working relationship.
So, why not give it a try and let me know what the outcome is?
Quick note: while the goal may be to make more money, your goal should always be to provide them with more value. The more value you provide, the happier they’ll be.
So, aside from upselling your services, consider helping them with their content strategy, keyword research, blogging strategy, growth initiatives, idea generation, etc. This will differentiate you from the other freelance writers who are often solely focused on the money and forget about providing value.
If you enjoy writing and are serious about improving your writing skills, becoming a freelance writer, and want to earn more, I can help! Feel free to email me at
P.S. No, I’m not selling you anything. I’m not going to ask you to buy my book or even sign up for my course (I don’t have one) or weekly newsletter, I’m simply offering you help.
But remember while I can offer you assistance and support, you have to put in the work. No action = No results.
Nick D
I want to improve content writing and work with you easily. I want to earn money.
I want to become free launcer.