Day 12 of my goal to write every day. Today’s topic: where to start your freelance writing journey.

I recently wrote an article for Rype – a new online language learning platform – on how to become a freelance writer. I shared it with a friend of mine who wants to start his journey.

I said, ” I wrote this for a site. It should get you started.”

He replied, “Appreciate it, bro. Been reading all the stuff you been putting up online. It’s overwhelming bro! Just need to get the snowball rolling, though. Thanks for all your help man. Again I really appreciate it!”

My response is this: don’t focus on the totality of what you’re trying to achieve.  This will only cause overwhelm.

Rather focus on that small bit of action you can take right now.

For me, it was applying to write for Lifehack. It was an organic journey.

Obviously, everyone is starting from somewhere different. Someone might already be proficient in writing but needs to know how to land high paying gigs. Someone might be learning English with the idea of becoming a freelance writer who writes in English. Both need to start at different points.

What I would like to say to those who are proficient at writing (And by proficient I mean you can send an email without sounding like a bloody moron), don’t let “I need to perfect my craft” from holding you back.

You don’t need to perfect your craft. Perfecting your craft will happen as you engage in the process. Start with something small, like deciding what you want to write about (and yes you can write about more than one thing).

For those that want a definitive answer, I’d suggest you start with this post: Your Foundation For Success.

And remember…

Baby steps.

Eventually, these little micromovements add up.

** And let me reiterate. If you’re learning to speak and write in English, it would be wise to focus on that.

If you enjoy writing and are serious about improving your writing skills, becoming a freelance writer, and want to earn more, I can help! Feel free to email me at

P.S. No, I’m not selling you anything. I’m not going to ask you to buy my book or even sign up for my course (I don’t have one) or weekly newsletter, I’m simply offering you help.

But remember while I can offer you assistance and support, you have to put in the work. No action = No results.


Nick D

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