Hello, I’m Nick

I write long-form content for B2B Tech companies

blogger for Zip Schedules
writing contributor for Lifehack

How I can help you

Do you work for or own a B2B Tech Company that needs a copywriter or blogger?

Maybe you don’t but simply need a feature writer to bring a story to life?

In either case, you’re in the right place.

If you struggle to turn content ideas into compelling copy, I’m your guy. I conceive, write and produce engaging website copy, blog posts and lead magnets for B2B tech companies.

And, because I love a story (who doesn’t right?), I’ve also developed a passion for writing features. In fact, I’ve become pretty good at it.

Not only have I written countless feature articles for Small Business Today Magazine and H.U.G.E Magazine in Houston Texas, as well as Focus Media Group in Canada, but an editor once said the following: “Nick really brings words to life…wow.”

Unlike many other writers, I take time to get to know YOU and YOUR business before putting pen to paper. Because let’s be honest, writing is but one piece of the puzzle.

You first need to establish if you’ll actually enjoy working with that writer. If you’ve ever thought to yourself: “This guy can write, but just doesn’t seem like a fit for this project”, then you know exactly what I’m talking about.

And of course, you also want someone who takes time to understand your audience and your brand voice, communicates, meets deadlines and proposes new content ideas (Who wants to deal with the added work of coming up with content ideas, right?).

Hell, perhaps, you even need someone who has an understanding of SEO or knows how to work in WordPress (or whatever content platform you’re on ) so that you can spend time on more meaningful work.

Regardless, of what you’re looking for in a writer, I understand just how hard it can be to find one that ticks all your boxes. After all, there are so many writers out there which makes the task that much more difficult.

So, I suggest the following: browse my services and/or visit my portfolio page – and if you like what you see – schedule a no-strings-attached call to see if we’re a fit for one another.

I understand that you may not want to jump on a call. Perhaps you’d rather contact me via the contact form or email me directly (email in the header)? And that’s okay; if you really feel that way, by all means, do that.

But here’s the thing: You really have nothing to lose. Think of the call as a brainstorming session where we get to know one another AND where I share FREE ideas to help you grow your business. Ideas I give you full permission to “steal” (even if we don’t end up working together).

So, what are you waiting for?

See what I have to offer and if you’re interested, schedule a call.

"He takes the time to understand the business goals behind his work and goes above and beyond delivering on those results..."


“Nick is a consummate professional and talented writer. He takes the time to understand the business goals behind his work and goes above and beyond delivering on those results, adding his own insights and research to the mix.

And he does this on time and budget. While it’s evident Nick takes pride in his work, he has no ego when it comes to receiving feedback. I would not hesitate to recommend Nick for your next writing project.”


Jane Flanagan, FreshBooks

When I’m not writing for clients, I’m writing at writeworldwide

Write Better Blog Posts: How to Make Your Boring Posts More Exciting

How to Write a Blog Post That Your Clients Will Actually Love

How to Craft and Send a Killer Cold Email in Less Than 2 Minutes

contributor for Huffington Post
feature writer for Small Business Today Magazine

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